Monday, July 13, 2009

Why I use Mozilla Firefox

I'll give you four simple reasons why I use Mozilla Firefox (MF) as my web browser, both at work and at home, versus Internet Explorer (IE) or Google Chrome (GC).
  1. Speed: MF is just plain faster, in my experience. Websites are increasingly becoming 'busier' and including more multi-media (animation, video, audio, ads, etc.) and MF loads pages completely, faster.
  2. Bookmarks toolbar: Although GC and IE now both have versions of this, I find MF's the easiest to use. It's a simple line that runs across the browser window and contains the titles of the websites you choose, usually the ones you regularly visit. No more clicking on the Bookmarks or Favorites menu and then scrolling through a list with your mouse. One click and you're at your favorite websites.
  3. Text size-Increase and Decrease: Hold down the Ctrl key and the plus(+) or minus(-) key to increase and decrease text and, in most cases, image size on any webpage. Both IE and GC have a similar feature, but neither work as consistently and smoothly as MF.
  4. Safety: MF is proven to be much safer web browser than IE. It catches viruses, malware and unwanted third party add-ons much better than IE.
But, you don't need to take my word for it. Just do a web search and you will find similar statements and reports all over the web. Or you can read here or here or here.


  1. I must admit I'm a Google Chrome user at home on my PC but since Firefox 3.5 came out I think that will probably change as I use 3.5 almost exclusively at work on my mac. I'm a total fan of the bookmark toolbar as well but even more helpful is the add on called Tree Style Tab. This moves your open tabs to the left hand side of your screen and shows your tabs like a file tree so tabs that opened from other tabs are slightly smaller and moved over to the right a bit kind of like an outline. It makes keeping track of how you got to web pages a snap!

    The other add on I like for those nay-sayers that love the beta version of Safari 4 that has a cover-flow homepage, is FoxTab. This little add on gives you a new icon next to your home button that lets you display all open tabs in cover flow (like Safari) but also windows (like Google Chrome) and a few other options depending on your preference.

    Enough said. Firefox 3.5 is the one to use!

    Thanks for the post Adam!

  2. Thanks for the tips. I'll check those out for sure.


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